Iowa GOP Chair Statement on Obamacare Medical Device Tax
For Immediate Release: June 7, 2012
Iowa GOP Chair Statement on Obamacare
Medical Device Tax
DES MOINES, Iowa– The Republican Party of Iowa released the following statement today from Chairman A.J. Spiker in response to the House vote on Obamacare’s medical device tax:
“I applaud the U.S. House of Representatives and especially Congressman King and Congressman Latham for standing up for Iowans today by voting to repeal one of Obamacare’s many job-destroying taxes.
“I would also like to thank Congressman Boswell and Congressman Loebsack for voting to repeal the tax they supported in 2010 when they voted for Obamacare. It’s convenient to vote to repeal a tax you initially supported in an election year, but Iowans won’t be fooled by this attempt to run from President Obama and their records of supporting costly, job-destroying tax increases and mandates.
“The tax on medical devices is yet another example of President Obama’s attack on job creators. This tax would be a huge burden to innovators because it is a tax not on profit but on revenue, meaning smaller start-ups who have yet to turn a profit would be hit the hardest.
“With small businesses already struggling under President Obama’s tax and regulatory burden and millions of Americans looking work, now is not the time to add another tax on America’s innovators and job creators, who work hard everyday to create products that save lives.â€