Iowa GOP Chairman Spiker’s Statement on President Obama’s Visit to the University of Iowa
Iowa GOP Chairman Spiker’s Statement on
President Obama’s Visit to the University of Iowa
DES MOINES, Iowa– The Republican Party of Iowa today released the following statement from Chairman A.J. Spiker in response to President Obama’s visit to the University of Iowa today.
“While President Obama continues his taxpayer-funded campaign tour, Iowans are fleeing the Democratic Party in droves and young people are considerably less enthusiastic about the President. No amount of campaign speeches or lofty promises can change the fact that President Obama has failed our nation’s young people. One out of two recent college grads are either jobless or underemployed and many graduating college seniors will find themselves forced to move back home with mom and dad,” said Chairman Spiker.
“While President Obama wants to talk about the burden of student debt, what he won’t be talking about is how his own failed policies have added over $16,000 worth of debt to the back of every man, woman, and child in the United States. Iowa students know their generation cannot afford four more years of massive debt increases and joblessness which is why the Republican Party of Iowa has seen increased voter registration among young adults in the past year.