Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes July 5, 2011
Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes
July 5, 2011, at Days Inn , Manchester, IA
- Call to order by Jeff Madlom, at 7:07 p.m. at Days Inn, Manchester, Iowa. Agendas were distributed by Jeff M. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Jeff M.
- There were 15 members present and 3 guests: Charles Ankrom, Cliff Bunting, Jeffery Madlom, Doug Robbins, Terry Griffith, Michele DeBlieck, Bruce Nieman, Marcel Kielkucki, Brad Kimmerle, Rick Seeley , Al Meade, Gary Helmrich, Carla Becker, Shirley Helmrichs, and Kevin Glanz. Guests were Lee Hein, Lorene Duin, and Dan Zumbach.
- The Secretary minutes were motioned to be approved by Brad K. and seconded by Marcel K. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s report: Deb Peyton absent.
- Announcements: Dan Zumbach announced his candidacy for senate from our district which represents all of Delaware County, part of Linn County and part of Jones County.
- Legislative Report: Lee H. talked about state budget passing, school fund/educational budget fared well and the intent to revisit the Lake Delhi matching fund support in January, 2012.
- Candidates’ Spotlight: Lee H. discussed about bodies to walk in parade. There was discussion of Presidental candidates visiting Manchester.
- Correspondence Report: none. Marcel
- No program
- Old Business: 2011 GOP Straw Poll in Ames. The debate is Aug 11 in Stevens Auditorium. Cost is $500 for 10 tickets. Delaware County Fall dinner is targeted for 9/15/11 at the fairgrounds. Starts at 5:30 and dinner at 6:00
- Standing Committees
- Finance/Fundraising Committee: Doug R discussed fall dinner information.
- Organization: Shirley H said they would work on this after Delaware Co Fair.
- Communications and Public Relations Plan is to get precinct representatives updated and put on our website and perhaps sent picture to Manchester Press.
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Nothing to report.
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Informational Technologies: Rick Seeley, Chair. There was discussion on website name which currently is:
- Scholarship Committee: Nothing.
- Parades and County Fair: Terry Griffith, Chair. Discussion for Delaware Co parade, the elephant, 3000 flyers to hand out for the free movie, and need for more walkers. Doug R, Jeff M., and Brad K volunteered to walk. Also discussion for workers for fair booth.
- Movie in the Park: Date has been set for Friday, July 22, rain date, July 23. Showtime is dusk, approximately 8:30 p.m. with free popcorn.
- New Business—
- none
- Next meeting: August 8, 2011 at Days Inn meeting room.
- Adjournment: Motion made by Charles A, seconded by Brad K to adjourn meeting. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Michele DeBlieck