Chairman Strawn Congratulates New SC GOP Chair Chad Connelly
TO: Reporters and Editors
FR: Matthew N. Strawn, Chairman, Republican Party of Iowa
RE: Election of Chair Chad Connelly
DA: Saturday, May 07, 2011
Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn issued the comment below following the election of South Carolina GOP Chairman Chad Connelly.
“Karen Floyd has been both a strong Chair for the state of South Carolina and a valued member of the RNC. It has been an honor working with her to promote our states’ positions in the nomination calendar and I’m privileged to call her a friend.
I  look forward to working with Chairman Connelly in the months ahead as we continue to maintain the integrity and order of the 2012 Republican nomination calendar and to make sure this is President Obama’s first and only term. Iowa and South Carolina share a unique bond and I am excited to continue this important relationship under Chairman Connelly’s leadership.â€
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