Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes May 9, 2011
Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes
May 9, 2011, at Days Inn, Manchester, IA
- Call to order by Jeff Madlom, at 7:03 p.m. at the Days Inn in the Burrington Room, Manchester, Iowa. Agendas were distributed by Jeff M. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Jeff M.
- There were 13 members present and 2 guests: Cliff Bunting, Charles Ankrom, Phil Turnis, Brad Kimmerle, Carla Becker, Jeffery Madlom, Doug Robbins, Marsha Mescher, Don Piegors, Michele DeBlieck, Bruce Nieman, Terry Griffith, And Dave Christensen. Guests were Nancy Jones and Lee Hein
- The Secretary minutes were motion to be approved by Cliff B. and seconded by Brad K. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s report: Deb Peyton sent message that 1 check was written to the fairgrounds for $100. Interest reported was $.65. Fairgrounds location has been moved to the northwest corner of the Quonset building.
- Announcements: none
- Legislative Report: none
- Candidates’ Spotlight: 1.Nancy Jones, Buchanan County, from Organize4Palin campaign passed out information cards. Nancy stated their goal was to be organized so when Sarah Palin announces her candidacy, Iowa will be ready. Nancy says she does not talk for S. Palin. 2. Lee Hein, Monticello, Representing District 31 was present. Discussion followed about new districts, and events in which he may wish to participate.
- Correspondence Report: none
- Old Business: Lincoln Dinner w/Donald Trump–
A table for 10 has been reserved and the $750 sent in for the Lincoln Dinner with Donald Trump. Each person that has requested a spot is to pay our treasurer a check for $37.50 by June 10. A carpool is planned. Jeff M will distribute information regarding the carpool. - Standing Committees
- Finance/Fundraising Committee: Don Piegors, Chair. There was discussion for an Openhouse at Don Piegors’ as a public relations event. Don passed an invite around the room. The event is June 5th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for Century Club member. Steve Luken is invited. Century Club members, officers of the Central Committee and their guests are invited and will receive invitations. Carla B. made a motion for $200 to be given to Don P for expenses. Cliff B. seconded, Motion carried.
- Organization: Jeff to discuss with Shirley H., or go to the executive committee..
- Communications and Public Relations: none
- Rick is redoing our website: it is down for now. He plans to put in on Google, which is a free site and will allow for automatic posts with You Tube, Facebook and Twitter.
- Information Technologies is working on a date to get programming and discussion completed.
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Cliff said Ben Lange is asking for feedback about a run against Bruce Braley. Discussion followed with a favorable responsive from the membership.
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Informational Technologies: Rick Seeley, Chair. See above in Communications section.
- Scholarship Committee: Jeff M. will present scholarship certificate to North Linn student on award night a certificate for $500.00 to Holly Prier.
- It was recommended that pictures be taken for submitting to the Manchester Press Newspaper.
- Award goes to a Delaware resident.
- Parades and County Fair: Terry Griffith, Chair. Discussion for parade funding for flyers and candy. Cliff Bunting requested $325 be given to committee and Charles A seconded. Motion carried.
- Movie in the Park: Date has been set for Friday, July 22, rain date, July 23. Showtime is dusk, approximately 8:30 p.m. with free popcorn. A request for $500 for expenses was requested. Carla moved and Phil T seconded, motion passed.
- New Business—
- Delaware County Auditors office is now issuing passports to the public upon request.
- Next meeting: June 13, 2011
- Adjournment: Motion made by Charles A, seconded by Brad K to adjourn meeting. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Michele DeBlieck