Iowa GOP Turns Up the Heat on Gronstal; Issues Auto-dial in SD 50
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Iowa GOP Turns Up the Heat on Gronstal; Urges Vote on Late-Term Abortion Ban
Encourages SD 50 Constituents to Weigh-in
DES MOINES- Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn today announced the Iowa GOP has issued a district wide auto-dial in SD 50 encouraging constituents to contact Senator Mike Gronstal and demand a vote banning late-term abortions. Yesterday, with bipartisan support, the Iowa Senate filed a discharge petition forcing House File 657 out of committee and giving Gronstal exclusive control of bringing the bill to ban late-term abortions to the Senate floor for debate as early as Thursday. Similar legislation passed the House earlier this legislative session.
LeRoy Carhart, a renowned later term abortionist, has indicated he will open an abortion clinic in Council Bluffs should the state legislature fail to act on the late-term abortion ban.
“Gronstal’s obstructionism has escalated from denying the will of the people to threatening the lives of the unborn,†Strawn said. “The vast majority of his constituents have spoken clearly that they want an up or down vote to keep Dr. Carhart out their community and members of his own party are urging action. It’s time for Gronstal to stand up for Iowa’s unborn and not continue to hide behind legislative procedure.â€
The Iowa GOP’s issued a district wide auto-dial today encouraging residents of Senate District 50 to call Gronstal and voice their concerns. A transcript of the recorded message is copied below.
“Without immediate action from our Senator, Mike Gronstal, a late-term abortionist will call our community home and make Council Bluffs the abortion capital of the Midwest.
Only Mike Gronstal stands in the way of a bipartisan move to force a vote in the Iowa Senate to stop this abortionist and save our community.
Call Mike Gronstal at 515-281-3371, and tell him to listen to his constituents, allow a vote in the Senate, and keep this abortionist out of our Council Bluffs.â€
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