Iowa GOP Announces Steve Bierfeldt as New Executive Director
Iowa GOP Announces Steve Bierfeldt
as New Executive Director
DES MOINES, Iowa– The Republican Party of Iowa announced today that Steve Bierfeldt is the new Executive Director of the Party. Bierfeldt was confirmed by the State Central Committee Saturday evening after the State Convention.
“I am very excited to have Steve on board. He brings with him a wealth of experience that will help us strengthen our Party, take back the Iowa Senate, increase our majority in the Iowa House and defeat President Obama in November,†said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman A.J. Spiker.
“This is the most important election in our lifetimes and I look forward to working with Republicans across Iowa to achieve victory in 2012 and beyond. My goal is to not only elect more Republicans to all levels of government but to strengthen and grow our Party so that Iowa will be a solid red state once again for many years to come,†said Mr. Bierfeldt.
“During his time at the Leadership Institute, Steve’s work ethic, leadership skills and strong conservative values were always apparent. I am confident Steve will excel at this position and use his skills to build a stronger and more successful Republican Party of Iowa,†said Morton Blackwell, President of the Leadership Institute and Virginia Republican National Committeeman since 1988.
About Steve Bierfeldt:
Steve has previously served as National Field Director for the Leadership Institute, a Virginia based non-profit dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and placing conservatives in government, politics and the media. Steve directed the organization’s field program, focused on forming conservative student organizations on colleges and universities across the country. While there he managed a team of a dozen office staff as well as an extended field staff of 70 regional workers. Under Steve’s direction the Leadership Institute created its 1,000th conservative student organization in the fall of 2006.
For more than two years, Steve also served as Vice President of Development for Campaign for Liberty, a conservative lobbying group focused on free markets, civil liberties and the Constitution. Steve was responsible for implementing fundraising programs, donor cultivation, and acquiring high dollar sponsorships from individuals as well as organizations and businesses.
In 2010 Steve served as Regional Director for the Rand Paul Senatorial campaign in Kentucky. During the Republican primary, Steve managed the two largest cities in the state, helping Rand Paul win both. Steve was instrumental in helping Rand Paul defeat his primary opponent by more than 23 points. After a brief hiatus, Steve returned to Kentucky to help the campaign in the general election, a race Rand Paul won by 12 points.