2011 Delaware County Republicans Fall Dinner
Ben Lange to Speak in Manchester
On Thursday Sept. 29th Join Keynote Speaker
Ben Lange at the Delaware County Republican
Fall Dinner
Where: Delaware County Community Center
Time: Doors Open at 5:00 Dinner served at 6:00 Program at 7:00
Menu: Grilled Pork Ribeye, Sweet Potatoes, Pasta Salad, Baked Beans,
Fresh Vegetables with Dill Dip, and Many Desserts!
Tickets: $10.00 at the door or contact Don Piegors at cell phone
(563) 608-4967. Door Prizes include an Amazon Kindle e-reader!
Also speaking:
Iowa State Republican Chairman Matt Strawn
Republican National Committeeman Steve Scheffler
Local Republican candidates.