Strawn: Obama/Vilsack Agenda a Non-Starter in Iowa’s 4th District
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Strawn: Obama/Vilsack Agenda a Non-Starter in Iowa’s 4th District
Liberal Insider Vilsack is out of touch with District’s principles, priorities
DES MOINES- As Christie Vilsack ‘officially’ enters the race for the 4th Congressional District, Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn calls the former First Lady’s campaign a non-starter citing her close association with the Obama Administration and ties to liberal special interest groups.
“Iowans need a principled leader in Congress, not someone who had a front row seat in Washington, D.C. as President Obama racked up record debt and stifled private sector job creation,” said Strawn
Strawn pointed to Mrs. Vilsack’s association with the President’s failed stimulus, expansive health care takeover and disastrous cap and trade energy policy as examples of issues where the newly-minted Ames resident is out-of-step with the district’s voters.
“Perhaps that explains why only a few dozen actual Fourth District residents donated to her campaign,” said Strawn noting recent campaign filings indicate only 31 contributors to the Vilsack campaign came from the district.
Strawn concluded by saying the new 4th Congressional District has more Iowa Republicans than any other district and Congressman Steve King has represented half of the new district since 2002. In 2010, Republican Congressman Tom Latham won every county that is now part of the new 4th District. In 2008, President Obama won Iowa by seven points but lost the new 4th Congressional District to GOP nominee John McCain.