West Des Moines Independence Day Parade
Following is the participation information for those volunteering to help with the West Des Moines Independence Day Parade on July 3, 2011.
Assembly: We are lining up in the RED staging area which is EAST of Valley High School.  It is EAST of the school and walkers need to be there no later than 5:00 for the 5:30 start.  The theme of the parade this year is All Star Fun!  This is a long parade so please be confident that you are physically able to walk the route from Valley High School to Valley Junction.  We want our volunteers to be safe and not “over tax” themselves!
A full size version of the above staging map is available by clicking here
Highlights of the Rules governing participation, from organizers in West Des Moines, in the parade:
 Assembly and Entry
If you are entering as a group (scouts, church group, school group, car, club, etc.), you must assemble your group some place other than the staging area. Once you are all together, walk/ride or drive to the parade line-up location noted above. This year we are putting entries into order as they arrive and we are not using entry numbers. The only vehicles allowed in the line up area will be the vehicles that are going to be in the parade. Parking for non-parade vehicles is in the parking lot on the northeast side of Valley High School. (corner of Valley West Drive and Woodland Ave.)
Polk County Republicans NOTE:  There is VERY limited parking anywhere near the high school.  Last year we coordinated having the float/Jeep in place and every volunteer walked in to the parking lot from their parking spaces closer to parade time. Volunteers will be given specific information regarding assembly point prior to Parade time and we will attempt to have the assembly point posted here at PolkGop.com as well.
Candy and Other Handouts
Candy and other items to distribute are welcome; however we STRONGLY recommend having people walking next to your vehicle throwing the candy!! Watch the crowd and have people designated with your unit to do nothing but make sure no one is in the path of your vehicle. SQUIRT GUNS OR WATER REALTED ITEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED!!! Be for warned that you will not be allowed back in the parade if you engage in unsafe behavior that encourages spectators and participants to act in an unsafe manner.
Pace and Length
Complete information on the guidelines and rules can be found by clicking here…
Information on volunteering for participation in the parade is provided below or accessed by clicking here..
Tags: Independence Day Parades, Volunteering