Request For Volunteers, Delaware County Iowa Republicans
Message From Terry Griffith:
Fellow Republicans, We have some things going on this summer that we need your help with. We have 3 parades coming up as well as the Delaware County Fair.
We need walkers and "elephant handlers" to do the parades. We will be handing out flyers at the Colesburg and Delaware County Parade promoting our "Movie in the Park" that will be held on July 22nd.
We also need some good Republicans to help man the booth at the Delaware County Fair on July 12th- July 17th.
Here are the parade dates:
July 4th 2PM start time Colesburg
July 11th 7PM start time Manchester-Delaware Co. Fair parade
July 30th 12noon start time Delhi- Delhi Days
Please email me at which parades you can help at. If you have children or grandkids, they are welcome to join in the fun.
Delaware Co. Fair Booth times: Tues, July 12 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm Wed, July 13 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm Thur, July 14 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm Fri, July 15 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm Sat, July 16 1-3pm, 3-5pm, 5-7pm, 7-9pm tear down Sat night
If everyone on our committee or any other interested Republicans would fill a slot or 2, it would be make it easy and a hardship on no one.
Manning the fair booth is pretty low key. We mainly need friendly faces there to meet people and thus showing that us Republicans are really great people!
Please take a look at the parade dates and when you could help at the county fair. Please email me back. Thanks in advance!
Terry Griffith – [email protected]
Delaware County Parade and Fair Booth Committee Chairman
[email protected]