Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes June 13, 2011
Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes
June 13, 2011, at Pizza Ranch, Manchester, IA
- Call to order by Jeff Madlom, at 7:07 p.m. at Pizza Ranch, Manchester, Iowa. Agendas were distributed by Jeff M. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Jeff M.
- There were 11 members present and 2 guests: Charles Ankrom, Brad Kimmerle, Jeffery Madlom, Doug Robbins Don Piegors, Michele DeBlieck, Bruce Nieman, Dave Christensen, Brian Cook, Rick Seele, and Kevin Glanz. Guests were Lee Hein and Curtis Stricklund, Jones Co Chair
- The Secretary minutes were motioned to be approved by Brad K. and seconded by Dave C. Motion passed. (1 comment was received for May Minutes that all general Republicans were invited at the open house at Piegor’s.)
- Treasurer’s report: Deb Peyton sent printed report showing balance of $5785.97. Chuck A. motioned to approve, seconded by Don P., motion carried.
- Announcements: Received a thank you from Holly Prier for the scholarship she was awarded from the Republican Central Committee.
- Legislative Report: There was discussion on the nonpassage of the $2.5M marching fund proposal for restoration of Lake Delhi. The $350K is still funded for the study/analysis on Lake Delhi.
- Candidates’ Spotlight: Lee Hein, Monticello, Representing District 31 was present. Discussion followed about events/parades in which he may wish to participate. Was also discussed that Delaware County may want to promote a candidate for State Senate. Deadline is March to determine who candidates are. Discussion on which towns have a local newspaper and which ones print news releases on the Republican events.
- Correspondence Report: none. Marcel was in Minnesota. Doug R has contact list for all Republican presidential candidates.
- No program
- Old Business: Lincoln Dinner w/Donald Trump—dinner was cancelled and check for $750 is being returned to Treasurer.
- Standing Committees
- Finance/Fundraising Committee: Don Piegors, Chair. Pres Jeff M thanked Finance Committee and Don P for doing the open-house. Don said assistance for whom should be invited as a speaker for our Fall Dinner would be most welcome. Maybe for a September date.
- Organization: Jeff offered to assist Shirley H. with her committee. Shirley declined assistance. Jeff will stay in contact with her should she need assistance.
- Communications and Public Relations Plan is to get precinct representatives updated and put on our website and perhaps sent picture to Manchester Press.
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Nothing to report.
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Informational Technologies: Rick Seeley, Chair. See above in Communications section. New website has been set up. A big thank you to Rick S. Meeting was help at Hardees with Rick, Carla, Marcel, Jeff and Michele in attendance. Emails, calendars, pictures, etc. can now be posted to our website. There is also a YouTube, Twitter and Facebook accounts set up. Google Apps was used to set it up and the website is:
- Scholarship Committee: Discussion was held on scoring and presentation.
- It was discussed why pictures and articles submited to the Manchester Press Newspaper are not being printed. Jeff to investigate.
- Comment and discussion that it is a good process and award goes to a Delaware resident.
- Parades and County Fair: Terry Griffith, Chair. Discussion for parade at Edgewood—Charles A will drive antique car in the parade representing Republican Central Committee July 25th. There was discussion on float for the Delaware Co parade as well as the booth, candy to toss, etc.
- Movie in the Park: Date has been set for Friday, July 22, rain date, July 23. Showtime is dusk, approximately 8:30 p.m. with free popcorn. Talking to the Castle Theatre for providing popcorn to us. Request goes to their board on July 13. Should know by June 29.
- New Business—
- Governor Branstad was in Manchester. Discussion followed, and members agreed it was a great talk and a good turnout. Picture of the Governor will be added to our website.
- Next meeting: July 11, 2011. A special meeting has been called by Jeff M for July 5th at 7:00 at Days Inn, due to the fair starting on July 11.
- Adjournment: Motion made by Charles A, seconded by Brad K to adjourn meeting. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Michele DeBlieck