We are renovating and we need your help
The Warren County GOP has decided to renovate this site, but in doing so, we need your help. As you may have noticed, dozens of pages have recently been purged from this site, however error logs show a substantial amount of people are attempting to access pages which now no longer exist. Pages such as this one (click here) via hotlinks, mostly from other websites and chat forums around the country and even around the world. This tells us there is definite interest in having such educational and informational content remain in place. To that end, in the spirit of our Republican form of governance, I have created the following poll, providing a method by which you, the users of this site, may help us to decide if such content should remain or go. Unlike most web-based polls, this is a fair poll, as each of you may only vote one time, not over and over, as is common with most online polls – however I will include an option for you to cancel and change your vote, should you wish to do so.
Please take a moment to tell us what you think. 

Do you enjoy seeing informational and educational content (not related to WCGOP) on this site?
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/27/2013 – 18:13