Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes March 14, 2011
Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes
March 14, 2011, at Days Inn, Manchester, IA
- Call to order Jeff Madlom, at 7:05 p.m. at the Days Inn in the Burrington Room, Manchester, Iowa. Agendas were distributed by Jeff M. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Jeff Madlom.
- There were 15 members present: Cliff Bunting, Marcel Kielkucki, Charles Ankrom, Dave Christensen, Phil Turnis, Kevin Glanz, Brad Kimmerle, Deb Peyton, Carla Becker, Jeffery Madlom, Doug Robbins, Marsha Mescher, Don Piegors, Terry Griffith and Michele DeBlieck.
- The Secretary minutes were distributed. Motion to approve was made by Brad Kimmerle and seconded by Phil Turnis. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s report was distributed. Deb Peyton reported the balance on hand as $6381.87.
- Announcements: none
- Legislative Report: none
- Candidates’ Spotlight: none
- Correspondence Report: none
- Old Business:
- Standing Committees
- Finance/Fundraising Committee: Don Piegors, Chair. Distributed Finance Committee Meeting minutes from March 1, 2011. Jeff M, Carla B, Brad K, and Dave C were present. Discussion followed. Decided committee should get with Deb P to prepare and present a budget to the Central Committee. Motion was made by Cliff B, seconded by Marcel K. to have a half-and-half drawing as a fund raiser at the Fall Banquet. Discussion followed and motion passed. There was discussion for an open-house at Don Piegors’ as a public relations event. Action item: Deb P to send Century Club membership to Terry who will forward to Don P. Discussion followed on ideas to establish cards for membership in Century Club with dates of active membership.
- Organization: Shirley Helmrichs, Alan Mead Co-Chairs, no report.
- Communications and Public Relations: Marcel K, Chair
- Marcel sent news release of meeting to KMCH. Manchester Press wants $60 to print. Marcel K. to inquire “why.â€
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Bruce Neiman, Chair. No report
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Informational Technologies: Rick Seeley, Chair. No report
- Scholarship Committee: Gary Reeder, Chair
- Paul Moorhouse submitted letter requesting payment of $500 since he has completed requirements for scholarship. Motion by Cliff B and seconded by Carla B to send payment to Mr. Moorhouse.
- Action: Cliff B to call Gary to communicate deadline of April 1 for upcoming year.
- Governor’s Forum Committee: Marcel Kielkucki, Chair. Discussion: Terry G sent email to Casey Mills citing disrespect towards Delaware Co. He has received no response. Jeff M. was in Des Moines and asked for clarification and received no response.
- Parades and County Fair: Terry Griffith, Chair. Discussion: 50/50 raffle is not profitable at County Fair. Licenses are $70 and last event, we did not break even. Would like precinct reps to help with the fair parade. Asking where the fair booth will be located. Cost is $100. Reminder that fair booth may need refurbishing and that plywood will need to be set up, especially of booth is moved.
- Movie in the Park: Dan Gilbert
- We need dates and a backup date since we were flooded out last year.
- Dan to ask for a 1 week extension and will report back.
- Dates of July 22/23 for now and asking for backup dates of July 29/30.
- New Business—
- Future Programs
- Discussion: Do a program once every 3 months.
- Would be polite to have guest speaker go before meeting and then they would not have to wait around for business meeting to conclude.
B. Candidates requests for speaking to committee
- Could go at end of meeting so question/answer session could go as long as desired.
- Need to set up ground rules for length of time to speak, etc.
C. Email discussion
- Some members not receiving emails from Jeff. Jeff to work the issue.
- Membership would like to receive minutes electronically to shorten meeting time.
- Emails announcements—Jeff will distribute to the membership if event is in a bordering county
- Website: Jeff to contact Rick S to be brought up to date on website. Would like to publish minutes and possibly other reports on website. Jeff to call a special meeting with Rich and Michele to discuss website and how to push information or notification when something has been put on website.
D. General comments Jeff M attended “Day on the Hill in Des Moines—a good day overall. Had a little time with Matt Strawn, Secretary of Agriculture, Speaker Paulsen and 2 lobbyists. He then met with the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
- Next meeting: April 11, 2011
- Adjournment: Motion made by Marcel K, seconded by Charles A to adjourn meeting. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Submitted by Michele DeBlieck