Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes February 7
Delaware County Republican Central Committee Minutes
February 7, 2011, at Days Inn, Manchester, IA
- Call to order Terry Griffith, at 7:00 p.m. at the Days Inn in the Burrington Room, Manchester, Iowa. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Terry Griffith.
There were 15 members present: Cliff Bunting, Marcel Kielkucki, Charles Ankrom, Dave Christensen, Kevin Glanz, Brad Kimmerle, Bruce Nieman, Doran Zumbach, Deb Peyton, Carla Becker, Jeffery Madlom, Doug Robbins, Don Piegor , Terry Griffith and Michele DeBlieck. - There were no secretary minutes.
- There was no official treasurer’s report. Deb Peyton reported the balance on hand as $6229.01. Discussion followed on the gun raffle, Century club and the summer dinner.
- Announcements:
- Cliff Bunting announced that 1 year from tonight’s meeting is caucus night for 2012 elections.
- Jim and Connie Clifton of Earlville are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Fair Grounds.
- Executive Committee meets as necessary
- Future meetings will be held on the second Monday of the Month, to try to avoid conflicts members are having
- The Cedar Rapids Gazette has been reporting proposed legislation in the Sunday edition—in the Jan 30 and Feb 6 there were up to 100 proposals
- Legislative Report: Terry G. reported he had received an email regarding HF 4, regarding a 20% Income Tax Reduction; HF 111, HF 149, Right To Work; and HJR 6, The Defense of Marriage
- Candidate Spotlight: none
- Old Business:
- Standing Committees
- Finance/Fundraising Committee: Jeff Madlom, Chair no report
- Organization: Shirley Helmrichs, Alan Mead Co-Chairs, no report
- Communications and Public Relations: Dan Gilbert, Chair
- Dan G will be moving to Quad cities area—need replacement for chair
- Around April 1, the first map should be out with new congressional district. The impact is that 5 representatives will go to 4 due to a population shift. Could be June before map is finalized and we will know who is affected.
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Bruce Neiman, Chair
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Informational Technologies: Rick Seeley, Chair
- No report
- Scholarship Committee: Gary Reeder, Chair
- Gary reportedly believes he may have a conflict this year since he has a daughter who is a senior this year.
- No report
- Governor’s Forum Committee: Dissolve committee since it is not needed
- Parades and County Fair: Marsha Mescher, Chair
- Movie in the Park: Dan Gilbert
- Dan is moving away from the area
- Needs to be rescheduled in 2011 due to flood of 2010
- Discussion—a goodwill thing, no literature distributed, candidates invited, in Tirrill Park. Terry G to talk to Dan G and get details from movie provider. Need to use dollars by July 25. Approximately $100 involved.
- New Business—
- Elections of Central Committee officers for 2010-2012 term
- Nomination for chair: Cliff B nominated Jeff M. Passed Unanimously.
- Nomination for Co-chair: Jeff M nominated Cliff B. Passed unanimously.
- Secretary, Michele was installed at the January meeting.
- Nomination for Treasurer: Cliff B nominated Deb P. Passed unanimously
B. Discuss future meeting place for Central Committee meetings
- Will continue at Days Inn
- Jeff M will get a bouquet of flowers and send as a thank you to front desk at Days Inn, not to exceed $50.00
C. New standing committee assignments: Discussion and volunteering for new assignments
- Finance/Fundraising: Don Piegon, Chair. Dave Christensen, Doug Robbins, Carla Becker, Brad Kimmerle, Marcia Intorf and Jeff Madlam as ex officio
- Organization: Shirley Helmrichs, Alan Mead, Co-Chairs. Cliff as ex officio
- Communications and Public Relations: Marcel Kielkucki, Chair. Michele DeBlieck
- Candidates and Campaign Assistance: Bruce Nieman, Chair. Doran Zumbach and Cliff Bunting as ex officio.
D. New Ad Hoc Committees:
- Information Technologies: Checking with Rick Seeley to remain as chair
- Scholarship: Kevin Glanz, Chair, Doug Robbins, Phil, Cliff Bunting. (Cliff to contact Gary R to see where we are)
- Parades & County Fair: Terry Griffith, Chair, Charles Ankrom
- Members absent will be contacted to see if interested to stay on committees and/or serve as a committee member
E. Central Committee Precinct Representatives
- Need rep from Bremen North—If anyone knows someone interested, please explore
- Could use another rep at Colony
- Need a commitment from Delaware South. Checking with Deborah Smith
- Checking with Shelly Schroder if she is still interested in being a rep
- Needing a rep for Oneida (Earlville)
- Need a commitment from South Fork/Union
- Next meeting: March 14, 2011
- Adjournment: Motion made by Charles A, seconded by Marcel K to adjourn our meeting. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m
Submitted by Michele DeBlieck